Get Involved, LHNA Needs You!
All residents aged 16+ within the Lowry Hill neighborhood are automatically members of the Lowry Hill Neighborhood Association (LHNA).
Lowry Hill is enclosed by I-394 on the north, I-94/Hennepin Ave on the east, 22nd St on the south and Lake of the Isles Pkwy, Logan Ave and Morgan Ave on the west.

Support Us
LHNA is a donation-based organization and relies on your financial support to fund programs, events, and advocacy for the Lowry Hill neighborhood. Your contribution is needed for operational support and for key projects such as:
- Environmental: Flowers and maintenance at Thomas Lowry Park, and the Fremont Triangle.
- Social: The annual Ice Skating Social and Ice Cream Social
- Communication: Website maintenance, emails, ads and mailings to all Lowry Hill residents
- Crime & Safety: printing and distribution of crime alert flyers when significant crime occurs in the neighborhood
- Advocacy: Neighborhood surveys
To make a donation online, click here or mail a check made to LHNA to PO Box 3978, Minneapolis, MN 55403
Volunteer for a Committee or Event
We welcome your participation on any of our committees: Crime & Safety, Environment, Communications, Zoning & Planning, and Fundraising & Events.
LHNA hosts regular social events. Help out for an hour or two, working side by side with your neighbors. Events include annual meeting, ice cream social, annual ice skating party and more!
Contact us if you'd like to volunteer.

Board Meetings
Monthly board meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month from 7-9 PM at the Kenwood Recreation Center. We encourage residents to attend to learn more about what's happening in Lowry Hill and the surrounding neighborhood. The board does not meet in July and August.

I feel much more connected to people in the neighborhood since I've served on the board. One of the most rewarding things has been getting to know a whole new group of people and now counting those people as good friends.
–Janet Hallaway, former LHNA President
Volunteer or Run for a Seat on the Board
LHNA has an active group of 15 board members. Board members are volunteers who serve a 2-year term. Elections are held at the Annual Meeting in May/June. Residents can also volunteer to help on a committee without running for a board seat.
If there are seats open, interested candidates can fill out and submit the application here.
Board members will typically work on a project during their term. Past projects have included:
- Planning, irrigation and landscaping of the Douglas median
- Organizing an annual neighborhood garage sale
- Installation of a sidewalk in Kenwood Park
- Creating new events for residents like walking tours of Lake of the Isles and Lowry Hill
- Partnering with the Hennepin Avenue business district
- Neighborhood initiatives like "Know Your Neighbor"
- Creating a campaign like "Leave a Light On"
- Rebuilding the website to a new platform and improve ease of use
- Working to make the Ice Cream Social a no waste/low waste event
- Working with Minneapolis Park Board and City Councilors
- Writing content for the website and local newspaper
- Creating email newsletters for Lowry Hill residents
- Advocating for tree plantings in the neighborhood
- Monitoring zoning and planning, alerting the board to issues
- Helping another neighborhood organization like Friends of Thomas Lowry Park for the Seven Pools reconstruction