We welcome your support and encourage your involvement in our neighborhood committees!
Committee updates can be found on the News webpage, the monthly LHNA email newsletters, and the local, free newspaper, The Hill & Lake Press.
LHNA has six standing committees. If you would like to volunteer to help any of these committees, please contact us.

Communications & Outreach
This committee oversees communication between the LHNA Board and Lowry Hill residents. This includes this LHNA web site, email newsletters, ads in the Hill & Lake Press and social media posts.
Crime & Safety
This committee works to keep our neighborhood safe for all residents. It works to develop programs that promote safety, and recruits block leaders.
Green Team
Trees, parks, and green space are important to Lowry Hill residents. The Green Team works to promote and keep Lowry Hill green. We also share information on Minneapolis Parks and Recreation initiatives, and Minneapolis and Hennepin County residential recycling and organics recycling efforts.
The events committee helps coordinate events for neighborhood residents. Popular events include: Lake of the Isles Skating Party, Lowry Hill Ice Cream Social, LHNA Annual meeting, neighborhood walking tours, and our "Thanksgiving Thank You" to the 5th Precinct Fire and Police Departments. For current event dates and times, please see our LHNA Calendar and news posts.
Neighborhood Priorities
This committee collects input from residents, sets strategy and organizes priorities for NRP funds. Identified priorities have included park improvements, neighborhood safety, neighborhood livability, housing projects, history and preservation efforts, communication support.
Zoning & Planning
This committee reviews zoning-related applications and recommends action to the LHNA Board, monitors development plans of the city, park board, and developers, and takes a proactive approach towards zoning issues in the neighborhood.