The ice rinks are back open, with some residents concerned about the future of the Lake of the Isles rink.
A petition is circulating, started by Janet Hallaway, to save the Lake of the Isles skating rink.
“Recreational facilities like the Lake of the Isles Skating Rink play a significant role in maintaining social connections and physical health,” the petition reads.
The Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board is in the process of closing multiple ice rinks across the city to save money amid more unpredictable winters and a smaller budget.
The Lake of the Isles ice rink has a relative high cost to operate, according to Robin Smother, spokesperson for the Park & Recreation Board. The rink’s warming house is a big expense including its installation and staffing.
“No decision has been made,” Smother said. Staff will make recommendations to the board for a final decision after rinks are closed for the season.
The Park & Recreation Board has already decided it’s closing the Lyndale Farmstead ice rink next winter.