LHNA Board Meeting: May 2, 2023 at 7pm (in person)
The next LHNA Board meeting will be held Tuesday, May 2nd at 7:00pm at the Kenwood Community Center (2101 W Franklin Ave).
There will not be a virtual option for this meeting.
-Update from Minneapolis City Council Member Lisa Goodman.
-Update from Minneapolis Police Inspector Katie Blackwell.
-Approval of April Minutes.
-Sue Westerman with the Treasurer’s Report.
-Sue Westerman with Crime & Safety Committee.
-Tyler Ecklund-Kouba with Communications update.
-Fran Davis with Governance update.
-Fran Davis with Zoning update.
-Jackie Brown-Baylor presenting the Events plan for 2023.
- Ice Cream Social: July 15th
-Annual Meeting Committee update.
-Discuss June 6th meeting and plan for summer break.
Posted in Meetings & Minutes