LHNA Board Meeting: February 7, 2023 at 7pm (via Zoom)
LHNA Board Meeting
The next LHNA Board meeting will be held Tuesday, February 7th at 7:00pm via Zoom.
-Update from Minneapolis City Council Member Lisa Goodman.
-Update from Minneapolis Police Inspector Katie Blackwell.
-Approval of January Minutes.
-Sue Westerman with the Treasurer’s Report and discussion concerning Hennepin-Lyndale Crossroads landscaping maintenance (note 1 below).
-Sue Westerman concerning Crime and Safety Committee.
-Tyler Ecklund-Kouba with Communications update.
-Fran Davis with Zoning Update and Governance (note 2 below).
-Jackie Brown-Baylor presenting the Events plan for 2023.
Next meeting to be on the first Tuesday in new month, March 7, @ 7:00 P.M. at the Kenwood Recreation Center. In Person!
Note 1: David Wilson with Green Minneapolis has requested we pledge $3,500 for Hennepin-Lyndale Crossroads maintenance. With the city reducing our allocation by one-third, this is too ambitious for us. We need to discuss options such as financing the urn planting and/or including a funding request in one of our ads.
Note 2: We need to form a nominating committee that will meet prior to the March meeting.
Lowry Hill is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: LHNA Board Meeting – February 7, 2023 7PM-9PM CST
Time: Feb 7, 2023 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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