North High Track Booster Club Fundraising Progress

In LHNA’s ongoing fundraising partnership with the North High Polars, we wanted to provide a page for everyone to see the equipment cost breakdown and chart donation progress.
For more information and background on this effort see links at bottom of this page.
What does my donation get?
This cost per item chart below has been provided by the North High staff.
If it helps to think of your donation in terms of tangible items:
- $183.00 buys a hurdle.
- $1830.00 buys a lane of hurdles. There are 10 hurdles per lane.
- $337.00 buys a set of starting blocks. One set of blocks is needed for each of the 8 lanes on the track.
- $1,234.00 replaces the starting gun with a non-gun starting system.
And any amount helps. See how to make a donation below.
Fundraising progress. We have exceeded our goal!
These are the total dollars contributed as of April, 2022:
- Individual community member contributions: $35,000.00+
- Lowry Hill Neighborhood Association: $10,000.00
- Kenwood Neighborhood Organization: $5,000.00
TOTAL amount donated: $50,000+
EXCEEDED amount needed by: $7,000.00+
How to Donate
Although we have acquired the funding for track & field equipment, donations to the booster club are still welcome and encouraged. Please consider the North High Polars in your charitable giving. The Minneapolis Foundation is now the fiscal agent for the North Community High School Booster Club.
To make a charitable donation, please use the link provided below:
Learn More:
Read more about the background of the fundraising efforts here.
Watch the virtual kickoff event with North High staff, please see this page.
A brief interview with Coach Skoglund from the October issue of the Hill & Lake Press can be found here.