Mayor Frey signs emergency regulation establishing curfew 8 p.m. tonight in Minneapolis

Mayor Frey signs emergency regulation establishing curfew 8 p.m. tonight in Minneapolis
MAY 31, 2020
Today Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey signed Emergency Regulation 2020-2-2 establishing a curfew 8 p.m. tonight until 6 a.m. tomorrow in Minneapolis in alignment with Executive Order 20-68 issued by the State of Minnesota.
The curfew will be in place 8 p.m. Sunday, May 31 until 6 a.m. Monday, June 1. During the hours of curfew, people must not travel on any public street or in any public place.
All law enforcement, fire, medical personnel, and members of the news media, as well as other personnel authorized by the City of Minneapolis, City of Saint Paul, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Minnesota State Patrol, or Minnesota National Guard, are exempt from the curfew. Individuals traveling directly to and from work, seeking exempt care, fleeing dangerous circumstances, or experiencing homelessness are also exempt.
Read the regulation.
Por orden del alcalde queda prohibido la circulación de personas en todas las calles y espacios públicos de la ciudad, durante los siguientes horarios: Domingo 31 de Mayo de las 8 pm hasta las 6 am Lunes 1 de Junio.
Las personas que no cumplan con esta medida pueden ser arrestados o recibir una multa Por favor cuida a tu familia y tu comunidad.