Backyard Fire Laws

Having a backyard recreational fire this spring? Follow the law and be a good neighbor. Following these laws will help keep Minneapolis neighborhoods safe and livable:

  • Outdoor recreational fires are permitted between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m.
  • Keep fire small: less than three feet in diameter and two feet high.
  • Postpone a fire when Minneapolis is under air pollution advisory.
  • Burn only untreated, unpainted, dry wood. Never burn cardboard boxes, trash or debris, because the smoke can be toxic.
  • Fire must be at least 25 feet away from a structure or combustible material and in a fire ring or pit with edges more than six inches high.
  • Have a hose or fire extinguisher present.
  • Postpone the fire when the wind exceeds 10 mph.
  • Fire must be constantly attended by someone 18 years or older and completely out before being abandoned.

Illegal open burning or recreational fires fines that start at $200.

Be a good neighbor
Let neighbors know when planning a fire and postpone a fire when smoke will blow directly at a neighbor’s house or when still weather conditions prevent smoke from moving away at all.

For the Minneapolis law on recreational fires, visit the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, Chapter 178 at

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