Ice Cream Social July 11th

Ice Cream Social for Lowry Hill Residents*
Please join us Tuesday evening in Thomas Lowry Park at the corner of Colfax Ave S and Douglas Ave.
This event is sponsored by the Lowry Hill Neighborhood Association. All Lowry Hill residents are welcome.
FREE ice cream and root beer floats
Tuesday, July 11th 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Where: Thomas Lowry Park, 900 Douglas Ave South
Stop by for a short visit or hang out for a while. Meet neighbors and your LHNA Board Members.
NOTE: There will be a representative from the MN Dept of Agriculture so residents can get more info about the Lowry Hill gypsy moth quarantine at the ice cream social vs going to the Tuesday evening info meeting at Kenwood Rec Center
A big thank you to our sponsors:
Sebastian Joe’s – Superior Ice Cream since 1984 for donating ice cream
The Lowry – Burgers, Whiskey, Oysters, Eggs for donating a barrel root beer
* Lowry Hill residents only, this does not include Lowry Hill East (The Wedge)